
YSI Scores Defined
(Social scores are scaled from 1 to 10)
  • Overall Social

    The Overall Score is a measure of how your profile is viewed by the general public. It assesses how robust your social media presence is relative to others. It takes into account, among other things, how many social media accounts are connected, the degree to which your profile information is complete, and how active the account is maintained. The score does not interpret whether a piece of information is either good or bad for a specific indicator, just whether or not the information is there.

  • Organization

    This score is an assessment of how organized you are based on data derived from your social media accounts. The score is primarily based on an evaluation of your use of words and the context in which you use them to determine if you are organized. This score is similar in nature to measurements of conscientiousness in traditional marketing terms. However, other methodologies are used to calculate the score. This score is often used as an enhancement to traditional underwriting models used by insurers and credit grantors as it is a good indicator for low and high risk behavior.

  • Reliability

    In simplistic terms, this score rates the perception others would have about your on-line truthfulness. This score is similar in nature to measurements of deception in traditional marketing terms. However, other methodologies are used to calculate the score. This score is often used as an enhancement to traditional underwriting models used by insurers and credit grantors as it is a good indicator for low and high risk behavior. It is also used by employers and other on-line marketing firms to evaluate whether you are a suitable match for their products.

  • Employment

    This score assesses the likelihood of your employment. This score is often used as a critical enhancement to traditional underwriting models used by insurers and credit grantors as it is a good indicator for verifying employment. It is also used by employers and other on-line marketing firms to evaluate whether you are a suitable match for their products and opportunities.

  • Legitimacy

    This score is designed to assess the potential that your identity is fabricated, embellished or a fraud. This score is often used as a critical enhancement to traditional underwriting models used by insurers and credit grantors as it is a good indicator for identifying potential fraud. It is also used by employers and other on-line marketing firms to evaluate whether you are a suitable match for their products and opportunities.An important component of this score is an assessment of the quality of your friends and followers.

  • Financial Assessment

    An actual word count of positive and negative words associated with comments about your financial situation

  • Connections

    Connections is the term used to describe the totality of your connections, whether they are called “friends”, “contacts” or “followers” on the specific social media network.

  • Word Count

    This is an actual word count of the use of profane language.

  • Pictures

    The number of pictures you post is an indication of your social media presence and also the transparency of the “real you”. The presence or absence of pictures taken in context with other scores is an indication of the depth of your engagement as well as your transparency to others. For example, if you have a significant number of connections but no pictures and a weak legitimacy score, it might indicate a lack of transparency about who you are. The actual images of the pictures you post are a separate matter and paint a picture of your value system when available.

  • Frequency

    Frequency reflects the actual time you spend on social media networks when this information is available. This is most accurately available through Facebook, but more limited on LinkedIn. This provides a good measurement for the amount of time you spend on social media as well as the dates and times that you use it. Frequency is a good measurement of your time management skills and is used to assess whether or not you are using it efficiently. For example, a potential employer might frown upon social media use during work hours. Conversely, robust activity on the weekends or evenings might be viewed positively.

  • Social Proximity

    This score assesses the quality of your friends and followers. This score also impacts the "strength" of your other scores. A key ingredient in this score is the depth of the interaction that you have with your connections. This score is very important because the depth of your dialogue allows the scoring models to evaluate a larger sample set of data, thereby strengthening the output of all of your scores. The stronger this score, the more reliable your other scores will be. This score is often used as an enhancement to traditional underwriting models used by insurers and credit grantors as it is a good indicator for low and high risk behavior. It is also used by employers and other on-line marketing firms to evaluate whether you are a suitable match for their products.

  • Common Words

    This word cloud is a representation of the words that use on your social media networks. Colors and size represent the intensity and frequency of the words that you use. Words paint a picture of your personality traits and the word cloud provides an objective perspective of your use of common words.

Your Customized Network Trends

Our suggestions to improve your profile

Employment Stability

Your score is average for the general population. Start by contributing more actively to the social community by establishing more connections and improving their quality. There are varying degrees of the perception of employment; yours is average; This score is mainly driven by the words you use about your employment status and how often you use them. You can improve the score by conversing more about your job or desire for a job, and commenting on pictures that are relevant to your job status. Have a look at our Community Tips for more specific feedback on simple ways to improve your score. Contribute Community tips and improve your user experience.

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Word Use

You have plenty of room to improve; Start by contributing more actively to the social community; There are varying degrees of the perception of positive and negative word use; yours is poor; below is a list of the words you have used that contribute to your score; Contribute Community tips and improve your user experience.

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Overall Social

Your score is about average for the general population; build your activity and connections to strengthen your score. To improve it, you should increase the number of accounts you have connected, ensure your profile is complete, and build activity levels with your connections. Improve your profile by reviewing to ensure your education and employment information is up-to-date and complete. Increase your frequency of interactions with friends, etc. by creating content rather than sharing links. Have a look at our Community Tips for more specific feedback on simple ways to improve your score. Contribute Community tips and improve your user experience.

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